Twilight Makes Everything Beautiful

In the drifting shadows of the night, where light starts to guide the way, that is where I stand...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting older, getting more emotional

I'm excited because this weekend I am going to see two of maybe the bloodiest, not quite out to kill you sports out there.Roller Derby and Hockey. I've never been a sports type of girl. The thought of spending two or three hours staring at a football field gives me the willies, yet a hockey game? I'm up for that. Maybe its because I have a low attention span or maybe its because both in a way open something more primal in me. I love the action and movement. I think I'm getting more bloodthirsty. I know I have to watch my urge to swear.The girl who never did, now always wants to. Weird right? On the other hand, I've become more emotional. I cry at the stupidest sappy moments. Any stories about a dog, self-sacrifice, or kids and I end up with a fog of tears in my eyes? Is this normal? Is it my maternal extinct developing. I sometimes wonder if I went through part of my teen years completely numb to everything around. Was it normal when I was the only dry-eyed person in the crowd? That I looked at them strangely. I wonder what happened to cause this transition. Maybe marriage, having something to really care and be responsible for. I don't know, life is just stranger.

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Thursday, April 08, 2010

For Real This Time

So the last post was just to cause trouble. But then trouble is my middle name... that is if you say Ranae really slow it sounds like trouble... or is that gullible? This week at the library we are charging money for our lovely patrons to use the internet. I love these weeks, nothing better than seeing people storming out yelling about how its stupid. We try to tell them that this is to help with the cost of repair and maintenance on the computers, but they don't want to listen. The stupid thing is we wouldn't have to charge if our patrons didn't do genius things like stick crayons in the floppy disk unit or purposely download virus because they think they've done something wrong which results in letting something go wrong for sure. Yay! Its also spring break week in the library which means an influx of kids. Today turned into flying airplane day as first one child and then another created their flying masterpieces of destruction. I say destruction because as I came downstairs I was greeted with flying airplane in my direction. When we banished the kids to the backroom, one somehow crashed his plane into a light. He had to call in the librarians to rescue it.

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Jed's Blog is not Better than my blog

The cool thing about my blog is that it has polka dots, you don't see that on his, now do you! Yeah... and his is full of mudd, so yeah, so there.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blogger is weird

I'm still not sure if I really understand how this things works. I've used other sites, like xanga, and seemed to have an easier time of it. Oh well, I guess learning a new system can be pretty difficult but this kinda weird. I don't know, we'll see how it goes. Tally Ho!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

OMG... Not another Blog

What is the world coming to? I've started another blog(I blame Mindy for this) to talk about... well nothing in particular. Isn't my life dramatic? LOL... I don't know... Maybe this should be my wedding blog... Who knows.